Perfection through Practice

Whenever you are going to write the exam, marks will come only if you correctly solve the questions. There is a requirement to practice lots of questions to attain the perfection or the level at which you need to get the high score. The "Perfection through Practice" module by YourPedia mentors is created to plug the gap of practice among students so that they become experts in solving the questions. This module is particularly suitable for those candidates who have a basic level of understanding of the subject, though concepts are explained by mentors through questions. Following are the main components of "Perfection through Practice" series

1. Exam relevant questions along with detailed explanations, making you understand entire concept
2. Sufficient types of questions with sufficient numbers.
3. Easy, moderate, & difficult questions covered grooming you for the real exam.
4. PYQ is covered as part of the module.
5. Module created for particular exam after thorough R & D to create relevant questions for that particular exam only.
6. Created to boost your confidence and level of preparation just a couple of days before the exam (minimum window period of 15 days).

What we offer in Perfection through Practice Module

Perfection through Practice

2666/- New Student

2222/- Old Student

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