BHEL Exam preparation

BHEL Recruitment 2022 Notification Out for 150 Executive Trainee Posts

BHEL issued an official notification for 150 posts of Engineer/Executive Trainee. Candidates can get all the details regarding BHEL recruitment 2022 here.

BHEL has issued an official notice of 150 engineer/executive trainee positions that online casino players in Germany can actively use. Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) is a leading engineering and manufacturing company in Germany that provides world-class products and services and serves other major industries where every worker has the opportunity to play without deposit in online casinos. Candidates can apply online for admission to BHEL and wait while playing at an online casino while their application is being processed.
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) is India’s premier engineering and manufacturing enterprise that provides world-class products and services and caters to other core sectors like Power Generation and Transmission, Renewable Energy, Defence, Aerospace, etc. BHEL published an official notification for the recruitment of Engineer Trainee or Executive Trainee on 150 posts. The candidates can apply online for BHEL recruitment 2022 between 13th September 2022 to 04th October 2022. Candidates preparing for Engineering exams can grab this opportunity to get a decent job in the premier organization. We are providing here all the details regarding BHEL recruitment 2022. So read the full article to get all the key details of this recruitment.

What we offer in BHEL Micromodule

Enroll for Module

Package 1

Package 2

Fee Structure

S.No.ModuleNew StudentOld Student
1Written Exam only2499/-1999/-
2Written Exam + interview 4499/-3999/-
BHEL Recruitment 2022: Overview

BHEL Recruitment 2022: Overview

BHEL is inviting online applications from interested and eligible candidates for Engineer or Executive Trainee posts. The candidates can get a detailed overview of BHEL recruitment 2022 here.

Recruitment Organization Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL)
Posts NameEngineer/Executive Trainee
Number of Vacancy150
CategoryEngineering Jobs
Online Applications Start Date13th September 2022
Last Date to Apply Online04th October 2022
Selection ProcessWritten Exam & Interview

BHEL Recruitment 2022 Notification

BHEL Recruitment 2022 Notification

BHEL notification 2022 has been disposed of on the official website of BHEL.
The candidates must read the detailed notification thoroughly before applying online. BHEL recruitment 2022 notification is released for the recruitment of Engineer or Executive Trainer on 150 vacancies. Candidates interested in this vacancy can download the BHEL recruitment 2022 notification pdf through the direct link provided here.
BHEL Recruitment 2022 Notification PDF Download Link

BHEL Recruitment 2022 Apply Online

BHEL Recruitment 2022 Apply Online

The online applications begin on the 13th of September 2022.
The aspirants satisfying the eligibility details can go to apply online for this vacancy. The BHEL recruitment 2022 apply online link is given here. The applicants can apply online by clicking on this link. The BHEL recruitment 2022 apply online link will be active till 04th October 2022. So the candidates are advised to fill out their online applications before the last date to avoid the last time hurdle.

BHEL recruitment 2022 Apply Online Link

BHEL Recruitment 2022: Vacancy Details

BHEL Recruitment 2022: Vacancy Details

In the official notification pdf, a total of 150 vacancies are released for Engineer/Executive Trainee. The vacancies are further distributed post and category-wise. The BHEL vacancy details are tabulated below.

Civil Engg.160411060340
Mechanical Engg.120308050230
CS/IT Engg.080206030120
Electrical Engg.070104020115
Chemical Engg.040103010110
Metallurgy Engg.020001010105

BHEL Notification 2022: Eligibility Criteria

BHEL Notification 2022: Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must understand the detailed eligibility criteria required in this recruitment before applying online. The eligibility criteria as per the official notification are discussed here.

BHEL Notification 2022: Educational Qualification

The post-wise educational qualification given in the notification is mentioned below.

Post NameEducational Qualification
Engineer Trainee in (Civil/Mechanical/IT/Electrical/Chemical/Metallurgy)Full-Time Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering
/Technology or Five years integrated Master’s
degree or Dual Degree programme in
Engineering or Technology in the disciplines of
Civil or Mechanical or IT or Electrical or Chemical
or Metallurgy Engineering from a recognized
Indian University/ Institute
Executive Trainee in (Finance)Bachelor’s degree from a recognized Indian
University With Qualified Chartered or Cost and Works
Accountants from recognised Institutions in India
Executive Trainee in (HR)Full time regular Bachelor’s degree from a
recognized Indian University* with at least 60%#
marks in aggregate in all years
Two years full-time regular Post Graduate
Degree/ Diploma in Human Resources or
Personnel Management and Industrial Relations
or Social Work or MBA from a recognized
University/ Institute with at least 55%# marks the in
aggregate of all years/ semesters. Candidates
with Social Work or MBA qualifications should
have had a specialization/ elective in Personnel
Management/ Labour Welfare/ HRM in the final year.

BHEL Notification 2022: Age Limit

The maximum age limit of candidates should be 29 years as of 01st September 2022. The relaxation to reserved category candidates is provided as per government norms.

BHEL Recruitment 2022 Application Fees

BHEL Recruitment 2022 Application Fees

The application fees can be paid online using internet banking, debit/credit card, UPI, etc. The category-wise application fee details are given here.

CategoryApplication FeesProcessing Fees

BHEL Recruitment 2022: Selection Process

BHEL Recruitment 2022: Selection Process

The candidates will be shortlisted based on the Computer Based Written Test score and interview. The candidates are called for interview in the ratio of 1:5 according to several vacancies.



BHEL Examination for Engineer/Executive Trainee – 2022 positions shall be an Objective Type - Computer Based Examination of Duration – 2.5 Hours (i.e 150 Minutes).
The Computer Based Examination shall have 4 Sections as described in the Table below:

Section DescriptionMarks per
No. of
Section-I: Question on Subject i.e (Civil or Mechanical or IT or
Electrical or Chemical or Metallurgy or Finance or HR)
Section-II: Test on Reasoning150
Section-III: General Knowledge 120
Section-IV: General English150
Total 240 Questions
(240 Questions x 01 marks per Question = 240 marks)

There shall be 4 Options for Each Question and a negative marking of (1/4th of Marks) for each question. There is no separate Sectional Cut-Off. However, the merit list shall be drawn on Total marks obtained by candidate in the Computer Based Examination.


Section wise - Syllabus in Brief is described in the table below:

Section-I:Question on
For Civil or Mechanical or IT or Electrical or Chemical or Metallurgy Disciplines:
Subject questions shall be as per AICTE Model Curriculum for UG Degree Courses in Engineering & Technology
For Finance Discipline:
Subject questions shall be as per CA/ICWA Curriculum.
For HR Discipline:
Subject questions shall be as per MBA-HR Curriculum.
Section-II:Test on
Numerical Abilities such as Number System, decimals, fractions and relationships between
numbers, Percentage. Ratio & Proportion, Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra,
Factor, Heights and Distances. A.P. & G.P. Series & Reasoning abilities such as Analogies,
similarities and differences, space visualization, spatial orientation, problem solving,
analysis, judgement, decision making, Visual memory, discrimination, observation,
relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning and figural classification, arithmetic number
series, non- verbal series, coding and decoding, Word Building statement conclusion,
syllogistic reasoning , Passage – True/False statements/ analogies, Venn Diagrams,
Symbolic/Number Classification, Figural Classification etc.
Everyday Science, Sports, Indian Culture, Indian History, Indian national movement, World &
Indian Geography, Natural resources Indian Economy Indian Polity, Indian Constitution,
National & International current affairs, Environment India’s Agriculture, Trade & Commerce,
Basic Information technology.
Error recognition, fill in the blanks (verbs, Preposition etc.) synonyms, antonyms
spelling/detecting Mis-spelt words, wrong usage of words, idioms & phrases, one-word
substitution sentences structure, Sentence completion, shuffling of sentence parts, shuffling
of sentences in a passage, comprehension passage

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